Most packages include their own dependencies and use relative imports, but some (such as collada) assume a shared install of numpy exists. packages import collada' and copy (or virtual environment install) the libraries into 'YourScript/packages').

For these reasons, the recomendation would be to include all of your dependent libraries in your script folder and use relative imports ('from. Plus there is no (as of yet) setup/install phase for scripts. Different scripts could be dependent on different versions of libraries. The other reason is that the Python environment in Fusion is a shared environment for all loaded scripts and addins. You would have to continuously apply your modifications to those locations. One reason is that the specific webdepoly path will be abandoned every time the application is updated (every few weeks or so). However, I definitely would not recomend installing packages into this Python/lib folder for your scripts. The Python/lib folder is set to the system path on Fusion startup, so any packages located there should be found when imported from any script. The author of module pycollada doesn't know the reason of mistake and think that something is wrong with the PYTHONPATH in Fusion. Īnd when I check installed packages with command "pip list" in command prompt, it shows: numpy (1.9.2) The file "_init_.py" does exist in directory C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\d823d7c932fe4a7e4d638cb6af4b3845addcfe7d\Python\lib\collada\. ImportError: cannot import name animation Python/CAD to Earth Fusion 360.py", line 13, in įile "C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\d823d7c932fe4a7e4d638cb6af4b3845addcfe7d\Python\lib\collada\_init_.py", line 30, in However, when I run code, import error rises: > Traceback (most recent call last):įile "D:/Projects/2-ExportModel/2/CAD to Earth Fusion 360. I used pip to install numpy 1.9.2 and pycollada 0.4.1 (module to work with COLLADA files). In addin's code I write "import collada" and then I get access to all functions and objects of pycollada using "pycollada.". Is there something special to install python modules for Fusion?